“Turning Thoughts and Emotions Into Art”

Hope drives us to Conquer thee Unmanageable.
To wade through thee Impossible.
Hope shatters the walls that bind our dreams. Hope, builds… Humanity.



Meet Hope, a gifted poet and a beacon of kindness and hope for those around them. Ever since Hope was young, Hope has been drawn to the beauty and power of words, and they have spent countless hours crafting poetry that speaks to the heart and soul of readers. But writing is only one of Hope's many talents. Hope is a natural caregiver who loves to help others, whether it's by volunteering at local charities or simply lending a listening ear to a friend in need. Hope’s kind and compassionate nature is contagious, and has a way of making everyone around them feel seen and heard. Despite the challenges Hope has faced in their own life, Hope remains steadfast in the belief that kindness and hope can change the world. Through their writing and their actions, Hope strives tirelessly to inspire others to see the beauty in the world and to believe in the power of love and compassion.

The Shadow Queens Requiem

The Gods Are Dying…

A story of heroes and villains that changed the world forever. But, in this world, words hold power beyond what most know. So be careful what you speak. As we dive into a journey of love, betrayal, redemption, and revenge. We follow tale of Hope Hailstorm and her sister Jessia Vanguard